Welcome! :D

Your blog of epic randomness; hopefully updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!

About This Blog

EDIT: Okay, the information below is outdated; the posting schedule is now Monday-Wednesday-Friday. :U All of the other information is fine though.

What? No! Yes.

This blog has no real point to it; It's a daily blog where we post a random drawing. Sometimes we may add context, more probably we won't. Just the drawing.

The drawing can be just about anything; a stick figure, a whale, a flower pot, sticky green gloop, a joke, a stick figure riding a whale with a flower pot on his head while covered in sticky green gloop with a joke added to it, etc.

The authors, Nay, Ponie, and Chesh, alternate posts. One day Nay will post, next day it'll be Ponie, next day it'll be Cheshi, next day it'll be Nay, Ponie, Cheshi, Nay, Ponie.. etc etc etc.

If one of us is gone and can't post, then the other two will take over the blog until the third returns.

For instance, let's say Nay takes a vacation to Greenland(why in the world would Nay be there?!? Oh well). Ponie and Chesh take over. So it'll be Ponie, Chesh, Ponie, Chesh, Ponie, Chesh, until Nay comes back. Then it will go back to the normal order of things.

That is all you need to know, you wonderful freaks.
