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Your blog of epic randomness; hopefully updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ponie isn't going to post.

Even though she said she was going to.

Dfkdhjhj. She needs to start posting. Needs. She's done 2 posts. 2. Fff.

So instead, you get this post telling you that Ponie isn't going to post.

Ah crap, have this gem from my 3rd grade school journal. All of the glaring horridness just speaks for itself.

Lol at accidental racism and accidental sexual stuff.

"Part 1

Chapter I

One fine day, six cats went for a walk. Their names were Fluffy, Gorden, Long Tail Kitty, Mr. Black, Chester and Misty. Misty was the only girl in the group. Fluffy was a white persain. Gorden was a brown and white tabby cat. Long Tail Kitty was a brown tabby cat with(as you might have guessed) a very long tail. M. Black(as you might have guessed) was simply a black cat. Chester was an orange tabby with some white mixed in. Misty was a purebred who won a lot of catshows. She was a calico. She also had a crystal collar. The crystals were blue.

Chapter II
A Summers Day

"Is'nt it a lovely day for a walk?" remarked Misty one day as the cats went outside. "Why, yes! We should go for a walk!" Chester said. Misty's collar gleamed in the sun. "Hmmm, I guess we should," said Mr. Black. So, they went back inside, grabbed their water bottles, filled them with water, and went back outside. They headed down the path that led to Duck Lake. Duck Lake was a great spot to go fishing. But, they weren't going fishing there today. They were just going to rest there. Then they would head back home."

Chapter III
Trouble at the Lake

When they got there, they heard a yell. Then a scream. Then they heard a loud "HELP!!!" They all looked to the far side of the lake. You wanna know what they saw? Something odd... very, very odd... extremely odd... odd indeed!

Chapter IV

They saw robots! Yes, you heard right. Robots! There was a robot chasing some guy. "HELLLLP!!!!" "I'll save you!" said Gorden. In order to help the man, he had to swim across the lake. That's just what he did. Little did he know, there was a big robot fish in the water, for as soon as he was in the lake... "Ouch!!!!!!" That big fish bit his tail! "Where could all these robots be coming from?" asked Misty.

Chapter V
The Source of the Robots

The robots were coming from a machine. Misty saw the machine. Gorden read the words that were on the machine. "Duplacator 3000?" Gorden read aloud. Chester said, "Uhhhh is that where the pesky robots are coming from?" "I think so," replied Long Tail Kitty. "DESTROY!!!!!" shouted Fluffy. He emedietly began banging the Duplacator 3000.] He banged the machine with his water bottle. It was no use. He was soon out of breath. "Man, nothing can destroy this thing," he said. "Let's just go home," said Misty. "Yeah," replied Mr. Black. "C'mon guys."

Chapter VI
Home Already?

"Home already?" asked Gorden. "Yup." "Those stupid robots ruined our walk on this sudden day!" Long Tail Kitty shouted with anger. "Take it easy, pal," said Gorden. Long Tail Kitty calmed down. "Okay," he said.

Chapter VII

They wanted to find out where that machine came from. Someone had to of put the machine there. Not to mention who built it. "Let's discuss this," said Misty. "Discuss what?" asked Fluffy. "The whole robot situation!!! You know, what we saw at the lake. Um, that would include the Duplacator 3000 machine we saw," explained Chester. "Oh. Okay. Then we better discuss this. We agreed that some pretty strange things have been going on, right?" "Yeah," all the other cats said at once. "Well, do we know anyone who might've done this?" The cats thought. And thought. And thought. And finally... "Hound!!!!!!! He must've done this!!!!" all of them shouted at once. "H-h-hey, whoa there, take it easy!" shouted Misty. "SHUT UP AND WE'LL DISCUSS THIS SOME MORE!!!!" "Raow!" said Mr. Black. "Um, uh, so, well, what do we do next?" said Fluffy. "Guys, guys, guys! C'mon! We need some rest. Let's go take a cat nap in our beds, okay? That'll calm us down," said Gorden. No one wanted to take a nap. Well, maybe Gordon did. "NO!" all the other cats shouted at him. "Okay, okay. Raow," Gorden said. "I have just thought of something," Misty said. "If that machine was there at hte lake, who's to say that there aren't more of those machines??" Misty was right. "I get ya," said Fluffy. "Perhaps there are more machines," said Mr. Black. "We'll search more tomorrow, oh, and by the way, it's... 12:28." "Gee, it's getting late," said Fluffy. "Wanna go have that cat nap?" said Gorden. "Let's watch some TV," said Misty. "Ok," the other cats said, except Gorden. "I'm going to go take my cat nap," Gorden said. "OK. You can go take your nap now," said Misty.

To Be Continued...

Part 2
Chapter I
Relaxing At Home

"Wow. Who would of have science could be so interesting?" said Mr. Black as the cats watched a science show. All the cats looked bored out of their minds. Except Mr. Black of course. "We've been watching science shows for... ummm..." stammered Fluffy. "Five hours. Can we watch something fun now?" Fluffy was just as bored as Chester and Misty. Gorden was just sleeping... and snoring a whole lot. "I wish Gorden would stop snoring now," said Chester. Gorden was just waking up. Gorden yawned, but didn't say a word. Misty finally said, Guys, I think we should get back to searching for those machines?" "Yeah," said Gorden. The cats forgot it was nighttime. They remembered and they went to bed."


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